Thursday, April 10, 2008

HISPANIC WEIRD or the corageous phenomenum

Español English Français Português

Mi name is Enrique. I am Golden “Botijo” (drinking jug) and Honour Beret to the fastes lap in Alcocer´s Karting Grand Prix. It took me thirty eight years to do it, but finally I managed to. I can show one of the weirdest trophys in my inexisting showcase.

I look back at the ordeal as a promised land, as the demanding paradise of Jehova´s Witnesses, something bigger than Camp Nou stadium - what is that in comparison to human history? Little more than a football club - to which all are called who fight against the Law of Big Numbers.

I would like somehow to join, in this space - to the meaning that “bizarro” in our language (Spanish) has (hard working, and generous, suitable, splendid) and the meaning in French and English (really weird, strange, outlandish or abnormal)

That it´s, I think the Weid Ones (the bizarros) are a phenomenum, an abnormality, yes, but a corageous and brave phenomenum (characteristics which are simbolizes and materailised in my Golden Botijo, that is, plainly, weirdly and unmodestly speaking)

Please appreciate that under this meaning the Weird One (the bizarro) is something more than a freak (a geek)
and that the Weird object is more than a kitsch object, since the sublime quality of Weirdness is reached through the corageous attitude that the person or object has. On the other hand, the quality of a “freak” or “kitsch” or “geek” depends on the eyes of the beholder, whilst “Bizarría” (Weirdness) is always depending on the subject and the subject is the world. It´s intentional and undoubted as long as one feels it. One himself is an inmense minority within himself.

The Restless Weird One (“El bizarro sin interrupción”) is conscious of his own limitations, but, far of being this an undefeatable problem to this will, it is just a medal for his/her suit. He or she knows the fight is against majority which slowly pushes in an unique and stubborn direction, making a virtue of behaving like sheep, just for the fact os being it, looking for recoginition in the acts os the other members of the cattle (baaa baaaa, as they say). On the contrary, each Weird One has to carve the shape in the stone in a way and path he alone dares to follow. No green lands, no clear waters, only the promise that may be (oh god´s paradise) he might be able to find some place where he or she has never been before.

And that is it.

Español English Français Português

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