Monday, April 14, 2008


Español English Français Português

What can I say.I am happy to live in a world where this kind of things are possible. This man, his name Thomas Beatie, was born a woman, he started to change to become a man (pure and simple transexuality) got near her current mate, a woman.

Years go buy. Thomas and wife face the phantom: motherhood-fatherhood. They decide to have children. His wife, Nancy, cant get pregnant, due to histerectomia due to an illness in the past. What do they think of? He, Thomas Beatie, can have the baby.How do they do so? They reverse Thomas eight-year long treatment for not having menstruation so that he is able to get pregant again. How beautiful it sounds. He pregnant.

The process, a success. What do they call it? The first pregnant man. Something wonderful. Don´t say again fiction goes beyond reality. Yes, Jeffrey, I remember now your wonderful Middlesex. I know today you will be happy. And your wonderful plot characters, as well. The world is a little bit bigger. It is a little bit better too.

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