Saturday, April 26, 2008


Deutsch Español English По-русски
Français Italiano Português Po Polsku

Our favourite bird today is a rare species here in Spain and in Europe and barely known except for experts, since it only seems to exist within North America. In fact, in Spanish it receives a difficult name for Spanish to pronounce (Cenzontle) since that is a typical Mexican name.

So it difficult it is, that in fact, when time came to translate the film and Pulitzer awarded novel "To Kill a Mocking Bird" to Spanish, translators chose to translate it as "To Kill a Nightingale" since it was so difficult to explain to Spanish readers and viewers what a mocking bird is.

But the main fact, due to which we chose here, today and now this bird as our beloved one, was its main characteristic which also leads to its latin name. A mocking bird is a really talented bird which is able to pretend other birds songs and noises. It is able to imitate more than 20 species within 10 minutes. And the latin name? The "mimus polyglottos". Sort of "The multi-lingual clown" in English. How come we wouldn´t love that down here, how come.

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